June 2022 Newsletter Muhammad mccabe June 3, 2022

June 2022 Newsletter

As news of mass shootings like those in Buffalo, Uvalde, and Tulsa grip the nation almost daily, horrific gun violence feels as if it has become perpetual in our society. We wonder aloud as to what we, as caring citizens, can do. Times and cultural context have changed since the right of the people to keep and bear arms was articulated and critical analysis and reflection are needed. No longer can we grocery shop, attend church, send our kids to school, go to the movies, or visit our doctor’s office without planning an exit and/or self-defense strategy. So, here’s our sincere CALL TO ACTION:
  • Vote for those willing to stand up to, not cater to, gun lobbyists;
  • Write, Call or Email your legislator(s) and demand policy change that inhibits the needless proliferation of assault weapons designed for mass destruction;
  • Pray for the innocent lives lost and grieving families;
  • Be Mindful of and Report any suspicious or threatening behavior as, sadly, there are always missed or negated warning signs before hateful acts of violence; and
  • Purposefully Practice self and community care as we need one another to manage trauma and promote collective healing!
We are grateful for life as we turn the page to a new day and, in times like these, our ability to contribute to positive change matters more and more so we continue to lift up meaningful opportunities to join leading mission-focused foundations and nonprofits. Feel free to respond with ways that you are moving from grief to action in these times or with nominations and/or expressions of interest in the roles below.
In Solidarity,
Jeannine and Connie