Privacy Policy Tim Ferland June 27, 2024

Privacy Policy

Effective: July 2024

Walker & Associates Consulting is committed to protecting the privacy of all who visit our website. Therefore, we adhere to all relevant state and federal privacy laws regarding online privacy.

This Policy governs and by using this site you are indicating that you agree to it. This Policy may be updated periodically so please revisit this section of in the future to stay informed.

Protection of Your Personal Information: We request personal information such as your name, email address, and phone number in certain sections of this site. You can also send Walker & Associates Consulting an email via this site which also avails us of your email address. Walker & Associates Consulting will never provide any of your personal information to any third party other than our email marketing platform, Constant Contact, for those who subscribe to our newsletter. By providing your email address you are giving us permission to communicate with you via email in the future. Rest assured that you will always have the opportunity to easily unsubscribe from any email communications from Walker & Associates Consulting so that you receive no email communication without your expressed permission.

Aggregate Use of Additional Information: We may also collect information that is not personally identifiable as you navigate our site such as computer type, web browser used, pages visited, and time spent on the site. However, we do not collect IP addresses so this information is not personally identifiable and is only used in aggregate form to ensure we can continually optimize the design, usability, and content of this site.

Protection of Minors: Although we do not target our site to minors we are particularly concerned about the safety and privacy of young people. We encourage parents and guardians to monitor their children’s web use and instruct them not to provide personal information on this site or others without permission.

Controlling Your Information: Please send an email to [email protected] to add, correct, or delete any information you have provided to us.

Suggestions or Questions: Do not hesitate to contact us with suggestions or questions regarding our Privacy Policy.

30 Year Anniversary