Strategic Planning & Implementation Muhammad mccabe May 8, 2024


Looking for an external consulting partner to help with your strategic needs?

Walker & Associates Consulting is valued for our inclusive approach and innovative thought partnership in designing and facilitating dynamic organizational and program/initiative planning processes resulting in impactful goals, strategies, and results for numerous clients across the country. 

Hereʼs how we can help you with Strategic Planning & Implementation:


Do you have a clear picture of where your organization is now, where it aims to be in the future, how to get there, and how you will measure progress and share results along the way? Strategic planning at the organizational level is a critical process that should thoughtfully engage all levels of your team and be less of a burden and more of an inspiration to motivate collective action in the same direction. Whether planning for the next year, next three years, or next five years, Walker & Associates Consulting can help you plot a roadmap to success and facilitate periodic refreshes to capture progress, obstacles, and organizational or landscape shifts and revise the plan, as needed, to remain relevant.

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Are you launching or expanding a social enterprise or social impact arm with fee-for-service or other earned income potential to support your mission? Planning is not just needed at the organizational level. In fact, it is critical at the business unit level, especially in the early stages of development. A business plan is your blueprint defining the management team, operations, marketing strategy, and financial projections needed to achieve your goals in the context of organizational alignment and competitive benchmarks. Whether you are seeking internal direction, goals, and success metrics or external funding, Walker & Associates Consulting can help you create a sound business plan that will meet your needs and increase your revenue once acted upon.

Are you having trouble getting a new program off the ground or managing the complexities of an existing one? Walker & Associates Consulting can lead feasibility studies; identify the necessary resources and alliances required to reach your goals; and ensure your program or collaborative funding initiative is strategically aligned, appropriately resourced, and poised for impact and continual improvement. We can build a program from the ground up; revitalize a program to strengthen its team, operations, and impact; or manage key components of a program on your behalf expertly holding internal and external relationships.

Contact us to discuss ways we can help you achieve your goals. We look forward to an opportunity to give your organization a boost!

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